We’re looking for your picture. You know who you are!

West Heights

Carolyn Hoos Scavone sent us the only West Heights photo we have so far:

We definitely need help with names on this one.


Names from Carolyn Hoos Scavone:

L-R Back row: Jane Bauer, Eddie Erickson, Edgar Booth, Ron Allega, Karen Sears

4th row: Betty Allen, Judy Vitzdamm, Pat Johnson, Sharon Winnecke, Kathy Gooch

3rd row: Bruce Seegert, Steve Johnson, Steve Brandsasse, Barry Weissman, Janice Roeder, Ruthella Chappell, Debbie Branson

2nd row: Paul Nelson, Dan Johnson, Larry Proctor, Billy Martin, Susan Gordon, Bernice Arhelger

1st row: Ron Love, Robert Parkman, Donald Lehr, Ron Herrenbruck, Kathy Hamby, Ralph Dierlam

Teacjher/ Principal: Harold Gourley

Here’s another one. We have names for most but there are still some question marks. Got any idea West Heights folks?


Front row going right Carmen ?, Janice Roeder,Bernice Arhelger,Barry W.
2nd row Steve Johnson, Karen Sears, Ron Love, Ron Martin.
3rd Ruthella Chappell, Ed Erickson, Don Lear,Betty Allen,
4th Larry Procter, Ron Allega, Kathy Hamby, Paul Nelson.
5th Ed Booth, Jane Bauer, Sandra Ko, Dan Johnson,
6th Susan Gordon (not in shot) Deb Branson, Sharon Winnecke,
standing Robert Parkman, YEAGER, Alan Seegert

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